- Whitepapers
How public authorities offer increased value to local communities through DPS
A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is a completely electronic process that gives contracting authorities the freedom to grant new suppliers access to public tenders at any time.
The venerable framework agreement has been the go-to structure for public sector authorities looking to procure goods and services for many years. Designed to remove uncertainty, traditional framework agreements typically bind vendors and authorities into four-year relationships that ensure all parties within the agreement commit to each other for the long term.
This works perfectly well – if the pace of societal and economic change is serene. The world today doesn’t quite fit this picture. A supplier that meets buyer requirements today may go out of business tomorrow, or their circumstances may change so drastically that they may struggle to fulfill their contractual duties.
Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) were purpose-built to address these flaws.
Dynamic Purchasing Systems are here to stay.
Do you know how DPS works? Download our whitepaper about Dynamic Purchasing Systems and learn how public authorities offer increased value to local communities through DPS!